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Anna is a marketing strategist and automation specialist - currently freelancing.



Implementation | Optimisation | Training

Implementing a CRM is a constant iterative process that should grow and evolve with a business's needs. Over time, an initial setup might need changing, or certain tools have just fallen by the wayside. Work with me to optimise your current setup, or get your team back up to speed. 


Marketing Strategy

Journey Building | Content Planning | Audit

Implementing a CRM is a constant iterative process that should grow and evolve with a business's needs. Over time, an initial setup might need changing, or certain tools have just fallen by the wayside. Work with me to optimise your current setup, or get your team back up to speed. 

Case Studies

MediaPlus Digital (SG)

Optimised existing HubSpot setup and automations to improve client retention and renewal rates.

Symcorp (AU)

Workshopped marketing strategy and automated marketing campaigns via HubSpot to improve lead capture and deal conversion rates.

Shoppertainment (PH)

Implemented new HubSpot portal to manage sales and service process, from lead enquiry to multi-stage project delivery to post-mortem reporting.
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CSAT score.
completed projects.



Anna was our Customer Success Specialist, and a stellar communicator. As an experienced software specialist, she understands people and customer individual needs well, and how best to communicate, share and help them get the best outcomes they're looking for. A great operator, and an asset to any business.

Bevan Paul, Director @ Business Xray

Anna is smart, knowledgeable and compassionate that understands impact not only on her level but for the greater good of a business. Although we're in different teams with no opportunities to work together, Anna proactively coached and guided me by sharing best practices with sales experience from her previous company. She brings great energy to the team, takes learning seriously and has a great attitude. If you're reading this while considering Anna as a candidate, don't miss out on your chance to hire a star!

Julia Yeo, Inside Sales @ HubSpot

I had the honour of mentoring Anna during my last few months at HubSpot. Anna is full of positive energy, very smart, and has a growth mindset. It was apparent in the way she used to handle her new hire assignments and case studies that she thinks many levels deeper than most. She took time to listen to feedback and I was impressed by her ability to apply herself to whatever was thrown her way. I see Anna adding lots of value on any team that she may join - both from a professional perspective, and more importantly in shaping and upholding a positive culture. I’d highly recommend Anna!

Sophie Syed, Customer Experience Leader @ Aspire



Filling the Funnel


Digital Marketing


Want to learn more?

Book a 15-minute call with me to discuss how we can work together to achieve your business goals